Solar is Good for the Earth

Unlike conventional power plants, solar farms can help to protect environmental quality.
  • Solar energy generates emission-free electricity.
  • The power produced by Sunfish Solar Farm will reduce reliance on fossil fuels, offsetting 1,560,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions - equal to taking 308,000 passenger cars off the road for a year.
  • Solar facilities do not damage soil resources, unlike conventional power projects, industrial plants or commercial development.
  • Solar facilities produce no pollution in operation.
  • Unlike conventional power plants, operating solar farms use little to no water. The low impact design also maintains porous surface area for local groundwater recharge.
  • Vegetation management is conducted with periodic mowing and trimming; very little chemical vegetation control is planned - far less than farms or golf courses typically use.
  • Well-designed solar farms are excellent protectors of watershed resources.

